Segmental Mandibulectomy


Pre-formed reconstruction plates for segmental mandibulectomy cases reduce theatre time, and improve contour, as this time consuming process of plate bending is completed prior to surgery. Confronted with both the cost of commercially available 3D printed mandibles, and the lead time required to secure these models through other providers, we engaged Spark Surgical to rapidly produce accurate 3D prints, allowing the pre-forming of reconstructive plates.

Patient imaging data was sourced from the radiology department, and sent to Spark Surgical for processing and manufacturing of the 3D Models. Upon receipt of the 3D model, Stryker Mandible Reconstruction Module plates and Instrumentation was used to pre-form  a 2.3mm reconstruction plate,. This pre-forming was achieved in a non-sterile environment, and the plate then sent for sterilisation prior to the operation.


Three patients planned for segmental mandibulectomy for resection of oral carcinoma had their preoperative staging CT scans exported from the hospital’s radiology department servers to DVD as fine axial bone window CT scans. Turnaround time was within 24 hours for all three cases.

Resection margins were visualised using bony landmarks, then Stryker Mandible Reconstruction Module plates and Instrumentation were used to pre-form  2.3mm reconstruction plates, once sterilised these were test-fitted intra-operatively, each achieving a good contour and less than 5 minutes modification required before fitting.


Our relationship with Spark Surgical means 3D Printing surgical models for pre-forming mandible reconstruction plates can be manufactured with relatively little cost, and within a short turnaround time.  Thus, the barriers to widespread adoption of 3D surgical planning can be overcome, expanding the utility of the technique.